
a is it a…


a is it a wrap or is it a shawl Super Bulky Pattern


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Colinette has been a busy bee. This little knitting project is perfect for all of you who are slightly impatient. What you will need is a pair of 12mm knitting needles, 2 skeins of colinette’s super chunky hand dyed ‘Point Five’ yarn, plus one skein of her luxury mohair. The trick to this wrap or shawl is that you carry the super chunky yarn and the mohair together. You can of course just use the super chunky on its own, but Colinette loves the volume and textire the super soft mohair adds. Grab a cuppa and away you go, have fun and be amazed at how quickly this project get done.

For the wrap

For the large wrap you will need three skeins of the Colinette Super chunky Point Five hand dyed yarn.



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